Welcome to Harbour Towne in Muskegon, Michigan
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Harbour Towne Community
- I just bought a condo, what do I need to know?
- How can I engage in the community?
- What’s going on in and around town?
Password Protected Resources (Requires Login)
- Co-owner Directory
- Update my Profile
- Newsletters & Email Messages
- Financial Reports
- Board Meeting Minutes
- Committee Work
Buildings & Grounds
- Who takes care of the inside and outside my condo?
- Who are our Preferred Contractors?
- Who takes cares of the grounds?
- What can I display outdoors?
- What can I stow or grow outdoors?
- Who should I contact for….?
- What are our dues and how do I pay them?
- What do I need to insure?
- Who’s on the Board and when do they meet?
- What documents govern our Association?