Infractions Policy

The Harbour Towne Condominium Association (HTCA) has an established Infractions Policy that outlines the specific steps to be taken by the Management Company and Co-Owners to address and resolve any infractions.  The goal of the HTCA Infractions Policy is to establish a consistent process to be used by the Management Company and to provide clear guidance to Co-Owners for resolution of infractions.  When necessary, HTCA also implements specific infraction policies as supplements to the Infractions Policy that contain additional information and guidance for both the Management Company and Co-Owners.
The current Rules and Regulations Summary is posted here. Infractions are specifically addressed in our Bylaws, Article XVI, Sections 2 and 3.

Why did I receive an Infraction Notice?

Occasionally, representatives of the Board or the Management Company walk around the complex making observations of modifications to buildings, landscaping, or outdoor storage that violate the current rules and regulations. These observations trigger the Infraction Notice.

Infraction Procedure

Windows and Exterior Door Compliance

To ensure uniform and consistent administration of compliance to HTCA’s window and exterior door requirement, a specific Window and Exterior Door compliance policy has been approved by the HTCA Board for use by the Management Company.
The Management Company is accountable for the administration of the policy which specifically addresses co-owner infractions related to non-compliant windows and exterior doors. This policy provides the Property Manager guidance for the specific actions to be taken when violations of HTCA’s windows and/or exterior doors requirements are found.
This policy also outlines the required actions to be taken by co-owners to correct non-compliant windows and exterior doors.

To Report an Infraction

While the Board and Management Company do their best to identify infractions, Co-owners may also report significant violations by contacting the Management Company or through the CCIS/Request System.