Storm Doors


Storm doors for the front entry door are permitted provided they meet the listed specifications for quality, design, and color.


Before adding or replacing the storm door, Co-Owners must submit an Exterior Modification Application and provide supporting information.


Door Size 36 inches by 80/81 inches
Exterior Color Must blend with the exterior stain color of the Unit.  Anderson brand: “Sandtone” meets this requirement.  Larson brand: “Sandstone” meets the requirement.
Style Full View (maximum light & view with minimal toe kick area).
Glass Must be clear without additional designs or bevel.
Door Handle Hardware Co-owner choice for finish & style (finish should normally match the finish of the entry door handle).
Toe-Kick Plate Optional.  If selected, finish must match door handle finish.
Ventilation Several options are available depending on the brand selected:

1) Interchangeable full length glass & insect screen panels.

2) “Self Storing” doors that combine sliding glass panels that move up or down in combination with an insect screen.

3) “Self Storing” doors that combine fixed glass panels with a screen in the top half of the door that rolls up into the door frame.  (Good option for Co-owners with pets)

Quality of Construction 1-1/2 inch minimum frame thickness
Installation Co-owner may select any vendor that is already on the Board approved vendor list or another vendor who meets the same insurance and licensing requirements as established by the Board. The Co-owner may also install the door themselves.  First time installations may need framing strips added to the door frame.

Approved Models

The following Brands/Model lines meet the above specifications as of May 2106.  Note that retailers such as The Home Depot, Lowe’s, and Menards may relabel the model lines within the Anderson and Larson brands.  Please check to make sure that the above specifications are met.

  • Anderson 4000 Series: Top of the line – Full View with an easy quick change full length glass and insect screen panels.  Low-E, Dual Pane, & Laminated Safety Glass available.  Sandtone is the required color.
  • Anderson 3000 Series: Optional roll up screen for top half of door, movable glass panels over insect fixed screen, or interchangeable glass & insect screen panel.  Note that the interchangeable glass & screen model is a very difficult change out – the plastic spine to hold the glass or screen in place needs excessive force to snap in place.  Sandtone is the required color.
  • Larson: Different retailers rename the model lines.  Check to see if all specifications are met. “Sandstone” is the required color.