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I forgot my CCIS password. Can I reset it?
If you know your CCIS Username, you can reset your password. Go to the CCIS log-in page. Click the Forgot Your Password? link. CCIS will ask you to enter your Username and Primary Email Address. A one-time login token will be emailed to you. To change your password, you can access your account by this temporary link. This link will expire in one hour.
If you don’t know your CCIS Username, contact the Management Company.
How do I update my contact information in CCIS?
Please watch this video for instructions on updating your CCIS User Profile:
Update User Profile.
To update your profile, log in to CCIS; contact the Management Company if you need to set up login credentials.
The directory is updated manually, usually on the last Friday of the month, so your changes will not appear in the directory until then.
I don’t see my Requests in the Maintenance System?
Since secure documents are stored within CCIS, you are first directed to a page to access those protected resources. To review your Requests, click the Current Requests tab along the bottom of blue banner at the top of the screen (see below). There is also a tab to return to the Resources page, and one to Submit (a new) Request.

Can my wife/husband get unique login credentials to access the Protected Resources?
At this time, CCIS allows only one set of login credentials per condo unit. Therefore, all owners of a unit share the same username and password.
Why do I have to do math before submitting a Request?
In the past, a spammer (a person who spams systems) began entering bogus requests in CCIS. While this was apparently harmless, it caused extra work for the Management Company who initially saw these as legitimate requests. Excess requests also bog down our server. Adding two numbers together before submitting makes it more difficult for spammers to enter requests in the system.